Special Edition Massage Oil – Maminat Lab
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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []"><strong>You decide. We create.</strong></p>
<p>We created <strong>Maminat Lab</strong>, where cosmetics become art and you are part of the process. We have created a <strong>very limited</strong> edition of only <strong>30 units</strong> of our <strong>Light Oil</strong>, but with a unique twist: this time, you provide the inspiration.</p>
<p><strong>An oil that adapts to you</strong><br>Every skin, every moment, and every emotion requires something different. That's why we have designed this special formula for <strong>massages</strong> where you can choose between three sensory experiences:</p>
<p>🌿 <strong>Woody notes</strong> → For those seeking an oil with a more masculine, enveloping, and warm character.</p>
<p>🌸 <strong>Flowers and sensuality</strong> → Perfect for connecting with the skin through a more delicate, floral, and sophisticated fragrance.</p>
<p>🔥 <strong>Eroticism and magnetism</strong> → An oil designed to awaken the senses and enhance connection with others.</p>
<p>🤰🏽 <strong>Pregnant women.</strong> Contains no perfume</p>
<p><strong>Only 30 units. A unique formula.</strong><br>Cold-pressed with organic vegetable oils and high-purity essential oils, this massage oil not only deeply hydrates the skin but also awakens unique sensations with each application. Designed for self-care or for sharing a special moment.</p>
<p>📍 <strong>Limited Edition.</strong> Only available under the Maminat Lab seal.</p>
<p>💡 <strong>Choose your version and make this exclusive oil yours.</strong></p>
<p>We created <strong>Maminat Lab</strong>, where cosmetics become art and you are part of the process. We have created a <strong>very limited</strong> edition of only <strong>30 units</strong> of our <strong>Light Oil</strong>, but with a unique twist: this time, you provide the inspiration.</p>
<p><strong>An oil that adapts to you</strong><br>Every skin, every moment, and every emotion requires something different. That's why we have designed this special formula for <strong>massages</strong> where you can choose between three sensory experiences:</p>
<p>🌿 <strong>Woody notes</strong> → For those seeking an oil with a more masculine, enveloping, and warm character.</p>
<p>🌸 <strong>Flowers and sensuality</strong> → Perfect for connecting with the skin through a more delicate, floral, and sophisticated fragrance.</p>
<p>🔥 <strong>Eroticism and magnetism</strong> → An oil designed to awaken the senses and enhance connection with others.</p>
<p>🤰🏽 <strong>Pregnant women.</strong> Contains no perfume</p>
<p><strong>Only 30 units. A unique formula.</strong><br>Cold-pressed with organic vegetable oils and high-purity essential oils, this massage oil not only deeply hydrates the skin but also awakens unique sensations with each application. Designed for self-care or for sharing a special moment.</p>
<p>📍 <strong>Limited Edition.</strong> Only available under the Maminat Lab seal.</p>
<p>💡 <strong>Choose your version and make this exclusive oil yours.</strong></p>
Cosmética ecológica
Libre de plásticos
Etiquetas de papel mineral
Sin aditivos dañinos
100% biodegradables
Creemos en la salud integral
Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Me engrasa la piel?
No es que la engrase, es que se trata de un aceite dirigido a una piel dañada y muy seca que necesita mucha nutrición. Por tanto, no engrasa, hidrata.
¿Puedo usarlo antes de una sesión de quimioterapia o radioterapia?
Sí, no hay inconveniente en ello pero, desde luego, lo idóneo es que seguro lo utilices tras la sesión. Conforme el tratamiento oncológico avanza, la piel suele presentar síntomas parecidos a los de una quemadura por sol: sequedad, descamación, dolor, picor, enrojecimiento…
¿Cómo reciclo el aceite luz?
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